Friday, August 24, 2012

Thoughts for Thursday.......

I’ve been slightly busy this week. However, we are getting closer and closer to MOVING DAY!! Which, makes me excited and nervous. This shouldn’t be surprising, but with my Type A personality, I want everything in place on Day 1. I know it doesn’t happen like that……I’ve only done this 5 times.

On Friday afternoon, my slipcovers arrived from Pottery Barn. They didn’t fit.

And then I cried.

 Over slipcovers.

It had been stacking up for days……and the slipcovers did me in.

Here’s a pic to prove how bad they didn’t fit.

When H came home from golf, I told him through tears: take me to eat dinner and then to Lowe’s….I need to buy dropcloths.

My man loves me so much that he said “ok” and off to dinner we went.

Pottery Barn is on my bad list. Not only did their slipcovers not fit my chair…..but, they charged me $17 for shipping, and then when I returned them, they charged me $6.50 in shipping. Pottery Barn: I.Will.Never.Order.From.You.Online.Again.  #lessonlearned

I did call them and nicely ask for them to help me pay for the shipping because I noticed on the package  it only cost them $7 to ship to me. Hence, they made $10. 

I made it a mission on Friday night to slipcover my accent chair. I became obsessed with it. And I didn’t stop until it was finished. And that was at 1:15am

My next post will be dedicated as to how I slipcovered it and put a checkmark by my obsession and woke H up at 1:15am to look at my handywork.

Because I won the slipcover battle, I feel like I am standing high on the crafty mountain.

Just take a gander on these cute baby shower invites that I’m working on. Mary Perry would be so proud.

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