Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday.....

Last week, I survived one of the busiest weeks EVA'!

It was touch and go for a moment. 

At one point, there were tears, emotional eating, and a birthday.......all in the same week.

I normally like to space out my activities.

Last week wasn't the week to do that.

I ended up having to email my teacher and letting her know that I can't do it all and that I would be skipping class and not completing my paper to turn in on Thursday. I could just hear her laughing at me while she cooks dinner for her husband and twin boys! I imagined snarky comments as she recollected finishing up her PhD with little babies in her house. And here I am with just a hubby and 2 well behaved wienie dogs needing a pass! I waved the white flag.

I have lots of smaller events that I plan for work each year. the Spring....I have the motherload event. I would joke and say my job depends on it.......but that an't no joke. Anyway, that event was on Friday night. I crawled in bed at 1am.......and woke up at 8:30 am to attend a work function for H. #exhausted #trooper #tookonefortheteam

Here is a picture overload for your viewing pleasure:

I made that. With my sewing machine. And I'm quite proud.

My Sirius XM Radio subscription expired. And I'm being really cheap and I don't want to renew it right now.  It makes me sad......but I keep thinking...$200. I'm saving $200. Gah. Stupid Dave Ramsey. I would rather that money go to the concrete patio that will hopefully be added to the back porch this month!

While driving to work one am, I noticed a cat on THE TOP of our neighbors house!!! This tickled me because my little buddies can BARELY jump up on the couch! 

This week has been much better on the stress level. Tonight is my last class of the semester! I'll have a month off to study for comps. And not make myself sick ALL month long.

Oh! I have failed to mention...........I FOUND the comp notebook! I found it last week. And cried. 
It was my birthday gift from Jesus! I found it at work behind a filing cabinet! I was so excited that I found it.......I went home and read the entire notebook!

Before your eyelids completely collapse due to this blog post, I would like to inform you that I removed the blinds from the kitchen window. And it looks fab! And I added blackout panels to the back of my kitchen curtains. And they work like a charm! Thankfully, my neighbors are cows and they don't judge the messy bun that I sport when I get home from work. Or the fact they saw me in my pjs at noon on Sunday. Or that I wear H's boots sometimes in the backyard when it's muddy outside.

Next room blinds are coming DOWN.....and blackout panels will be added. To be continued.....

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