Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday.........

- I finished my summer book. Sparkly Green Earrings.
I laughed out loud in bed while reading that sweet book. My childhood resembles that of Caroline.  I would torture my mom with my wardrobe selections and hair styles.......and at times mom would grimace at the fact that dad was teaching Nathan and I how to 'skin' a deer. I try to keep a lid on my redneck tendencies. Although I still enjoy shooting guns just for fun. And a good walk in the woods can cure just about anything. 

- My dear sweet friend Anna posted a pic on Instagram of hot brownies she was baking. I may have threatened her if she didn't save me one. Clean Eating? N.E.G.A.T.I.V.E  but, ooohhhh so delish!

- I had my first structured sewing lesson last Wednesday night. I didn't realize just how rogue I really am when it comes to sewing!

- In honor of my Facebook newsfeed being full of babies starting kindergarten......

I remember my Kindergarten photo. I stood in front of the monkey grass in the front yard with a white shirt, elastic waist band shorts with a faux pink belt, white ruffle socks and Ked shoes. My dear sweet mother would make my lunch and put post-it notes with little messages in my lunch box. And she didn't need Pinterest to inspire her! I would normally have a sandwich......and the bread would stick to the roof of my mouth.....a bag of Doritos  and a package of pudding.  I had a much simpler food palette at 5 years old.  

- We had a Backyard Bash on Saturday night to welcome some friends to the neighborhood. Nothing lights a fire under you to pull your house together than inviting your neighborhood to your house. It's seemed like a great idea a month ago......and Saturday I'm questioned my sanity. Oh- and of course I decided to sew my own table runners. And I waited until the week of the party to start sewing.

- Have I mentioned that I sold the guest room comforter, curtains, etc.? Oh yeah! Ebay! Gotta love it! So, the guest room as been a work in progress.

-Today I start piano lessons! I'll probably sit on the front row. And take notes like a BOSS. I'm sooo excited! This is a structured college class. It's sorta like piano 101. I realize that I'm more advanced than a 101 class- but, let's not kid ourselves.......I need to relearn the basics. 

Tomorrow's post will be about the Backyard Bash. I'm on a roll this week.

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