Thursday, November 21, 2013

Adapt and Recover......

I've been thinking about this blog post since August.

My 6th year wedding anniversary to be exact.
Although on Tuesday night, I told some friends I had been married for 7 years! Friends, you can't put a number on this love! 

This year, mine and H's anniversary weekend was a bust......and we haven't celebrated yet. Our anniversary was on August 25th. It's now November.

It's sorta a funny story......but not really.
H made us hotel reservations at a charming Bed and Breakfast in Ocean Springs (our favorite MS town). H surprised me with the trip and I was thrilled!

Then, my sweet Pop was having a bad week and I wanted to stay around home base........ but then he perked backed up and we decided to go again. So I called the Bed and Breakfast and made our reservations again. All is well. Let's pack up.

We were looking forward to taking the doggies to the beach, eating chocolate covered strawberries and popping open a bottle of champagne.

We wake up on the Saturday am, eat breakfast, put on our bathing suits, load up the doggies and get on the road. Halfway there, this started:

But that's ok. You can't rain on our parade! We will make the most out of the situation. We laughed about it and joked about how it rained on our wedding day in the morning, etc. Once we made it to the Bed and Breakfast.....I started punching in our "code" to get in the room.

It didn't work. 

I did it again. 


So because H thinks I don't know my #'s, he punches it in.


Meanwhile, Coopie is now pooping on their porch. Seriously. 

The cleaning lady is helping us and notices our name isn't on the reservation list for the weekend. We called the owners and they double booked. They forgot to write us back down when I called back.

Let me tell you how many Bed and Breakfast in Ocean Springs will take you and your weenie dogs on a Saturday on your Anniversary.


So, we left and headed back home. In true married fashion, we ended up at Kroger......bought some steak and potatoes....grilled out and went to bed around 9:30 due to exhaustion of a long day of nothing but driving.

After we were home and in the comfort of our 4 walls and pj's......we laughed about it.

We talked about taking a bigger trip to celebrate, etc........but then football season started.....and now it's Thanksgiving....then Christmas.....then BOOM! it's Valentines birthday.....then it will be time to celebrate our 7th Anniversary. That's real life folks.

We are rolling with the punches. And obviously, our calendar.

But, isn't this what marriage is all about though? Adapting and Recovering????

When things don't go your have to adapt and recover.....
At the end of the day, all that I want is someone to laugh with at the kitchen table as we eat in our swimsuits and don't want to waste champagne over a steak from Kroger. I still have an unopened bottle of champagne. 

Back to marriage though.....

You have to immediately adapt and recover after you come back home from your honeymoon and pay bills and do the laundry. Oh, and what about the new roommate thing? H was my first roommate since Jr. College! Talk about adapting! I was now living with a fraternity guy! 

What about when life throws you some lemons and you have to make grownup decisions?

What about health issues, or the ups and downs with family?

At the end of the day.......sitting in my bathing suit, "celebrating" marital bliss over a Kroger steak.....there's no one else that I would like to continue adapting with the ebb and flows of life with than Hunter Jones. We have learned to roll with the punches, be grateful for opportunities and laugh about situations that don't work out in our favor. I mean, do you really have to go somewhere to celebrate? 

Hunter Jones- if you do in fact read my blog....the answer to that question is YES! Take me to MEXICO! 7 years and 5 moves......Mama needs a trip! 


Anonymous said...

I love this post, girl. That's exactly how life happens sometimes, but it's great you two jumped up and made the most of it anyway!

Erin said...

I agree! Life gets in the way. As long as it doesn't get you down, you are good. Roll with the punches!