Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Dilemma has been Resolved.

I ordered P!nk tickets on Friday.

It's official now!

The Register's office called me 2 weeks ago to inform me that I will be part of the 10 am graduation.

This is really going to happen (both the graduation and concert). And I'm thrilled.

Here's how the day will go down (in my head):
7:03 am- H will make me a "graduation" breakfast
8:08 am- We leave for campus
10:33 am- I skip walk across the stage
12:12 pm- We have a family lunch with my parentals and snap a few photos to document the occasion
1:24 pm- we wrap up lunch
2:13pm- we pick up the weenie dogs and travel to Birmingham
5:36 pm- we get the doggies settled
6:41 pm- we eat dinner and sorta take our time because no one cares about a headliner
7:30 pm- concert starts
8:01 pm- we arrive ready to party and sing karaoke
9:03 pm- P!nk takes the stage and I lose my voice due to singing
12 midnight- H has to carry me out of the arena because my legs are like jello from dancing too much. And he makes fun of me for wearing a pink shirt to a P!nk concert. And I may have purchased a tshirt with tour dates on the back.

Saturday Morning:
9:46 am- I question while I sometimes pretend to be 22 again, then I roll over and go back to sleep.
10:24 am- I locate the nearest Starbucks and ask for a straw.

Fun times are 'a coming!

I need to move on to the task of finding an outfit. That's pink of course. 

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