Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday.....

1. The tickets are in. I have P!nk tickets on my kitchen table. #thrilled

2. I'm bummed that I'm missing the Bulldogs play on Saturday due to work. #notsothrilled

3. I'm taking a piano class this semester. And it's starting to ramp up. I now have to practice the piano everyday. And my quizzes consist of playing for my professor. And my classmates. #killmenow

4. We drank our dinner last night. H made a smoothie. I drank grapes. #thinkaboutit

5. Tonight marks college football. And my man is so happy. If ever a time where I can do some online's tonight. Ladies, you need to know when to pull the trigger. #visamastercardamex

6. I've stared at this page for 20 minutes while watching The Little People. They fascinate me. Just like Sister Wives.

7. I need a good fall book to read. Any suggestions?

8. Next month I'll be the guest blogger on Mississippi Women Bloggers. I promise to have my act together before I submit posts. I blame my lack thereof on work this week.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

jealous....when I get my act together I want to guest blog.